Drama Groups
Adult drama
The theatre has its own adult drama group which takes place on Thursday Evenings and for more information email community@stgeorgestheatre.com.
- Adult Drama (7.30pm-9pm) Building acting skills through characterisation, script work, performance and physical theatre techniques through solo and group work and the chance to perform to an audience.
Youth Drama
Thursday night is youth drama night at St. Georges Theatre. The place is buzzing with enthusiastic young people working on theatre skills in fun and friendly workshops.
- 8-12 years (5pm – 6pm) Drama games to build confidence, promote group work and develop acting skills – from fairytales to inspiring children’s stories.
- 13-16 years (6.15pm-7.15pm) Fun ways to learn drama skills such as physical theatre and working with props. Youngsters get the chance to devise their own theatre pieces and learn how to develop character work.
The price is £5 a session, paid weekly. Anyone can just drop in. No experience necessary. Email community@stgeorgestheatre.com